

By LadyRok a.k.a Inuyax - martes, enero 19, 2016

Blueberry - Arla - Leather Bustier
StormCrown - Pump with stratss & gems *Black
DDCreations - Zulema Pants
MONS - Choker *Black *Gift
MONS - (piercing-cheek) 
*Part of the Advent Calendary Gifts
MG - Eyelashes - Party 
*Gift dont know if still available
booN - HYA209 hair *Black
-Glam Affair - Luna Skin - Artic 06 @Uber
-UtopiaH- Metallic Eyeliner #3 *Old Gift
-Glam Affair - Leah Lipstick 22 *Black
{ Speakeasy } Reverie Tattoo 

Poses - Vestige

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